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Q & A

Why the name?

The Doxygen portmanteau is worthy of a riff.

What does the logo represent?

The logo is an oxygen atom from a chemistry model kit, the two holes being where you would connect it to other atoms to form a molecule (an oxide!). It is deliberately oriented to look like the face of some cute character.

Does Doxide support programming languages other than C++?

Not yet, but it very possibly can. It almost certainly works for C already, although is untested in that regard, and some tweaks to the presentation may be desirable. For other programming languages, if they can be parsed with Tree-sitter, support is possible in principle, and contributions are welcome.

What are some alternatives to Doxide?

The advantages of Doxide are a modern look, YAML configuration, Markdown output, and accurate parsing of C++ with Tree-sitter. If this does not appeal, there are some other alternatives, also open source:

  1. Doxygen. It's an institution. Highly configurable. The downside is that the output might be considered dated.
  2. Doxygen Awesome, which provides a fresh look for Doxygen via an alternative style sheet.
  3. The combination of Doxygen + Breathe + Sphinx, which also provides a fresh look, by taking the XML output of Doxygen, converting it to reStructuredText with Breathe, then converting it to HTML with Sphinx.
  4. MrDox, which aims to be a replacement for Doxygen, using the clang parser.