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class ClassWithMembers

Class with members.


Name Description
InnerClass Inner class.
InnerEnum Inner enumeration.
InnerTypeDef Inner typedef.
InnerTypeAlias Inner type alias.


Name Description
x Test member variable.
y Test member variable with initializer.
z Test member variable with brace initializer.
arr1 Test member variable of array type.
ref1 Test member variable of reference type.
ptr1 Test member variable of pointer type.
arr2 Test member variable of array type with initializer.
ref2 Test member variable of reference type with initializer.
ptr2 Test member variable of pointer type with initializer.
λ Test member variable with unicode character.
escapee Attempt to move a member out of its class with @ingroup, but should remain in ClassWithMembers.


Name Description
operator+ Test member operator.
operator+ Test member operator template.
operator+ Test member function template with SFINAE.
operator+ Test inline member operator.
operator+ Test inline member operator template.
operator+ Test inline member operator template with SFINAE.
operator= Test assignment operator.
int Test conversion operator declaration.
int Test reference conversion operator declaration.
int Test pointer conversion operator declaration.
double Test conversion operator definition.


Name Description
f Test member function.
f Test member function that returns a reference.
f Test member function that returns a pointer.
f Test member function template.
f Test member function template with SFINAE.
f Test inline member function.
f Test inline member function template.
f Test inline member function template with SFINAE.

Variable Details


int x

Test member variable.


int y

Test member variable with initializer.


int z

Test member variable with brace initializer.


int arr1[10]

Test member variable of array type.


int& ref1

Test member variable of reference type.


int* ptr1

Test member variable of pointer type.


int arr2[10]

Test member variable of array type with initializer.


int& ref2

Test member variable of reference type with initializer.


int* ptr2

Test member variable of pointer type with initializer.


int λ

Test member variable with unicode character.


int escapee

Attempt to move a member out of its class with @ingroup, but should remain in ClassWithMembers.

Operator Details


int operator+(int x, int y)

Test member operator.

template<class T> T operator+(T x, T y)

Test member operator template.

template<class T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, int> = 0> T operator+(T x, T y)

Test member function template with SFINAE.

inline int operator+(int x, int y)

Test inline member operator.

template<class T> T operator+(T x, T y)

Test inline member operator template.

template<class T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, int> = 0> T operator+(T x, T y)

Test inline member operator template with SFINAE.


ClassWithMembers& operator=(const ClassWithMembers& o)

Test assignment operator.


operator int() const

Test conversion operator declaration.

operator int&() const

Test reference conversion operator declaration.

operator int*() const

Test pointer conversion operator declaration.


operator double() const

Test conversion operator definition.

Function Details


int f(int x, int y)

Test member function.

int& f(int x, int y)

Test member function that returns a reference.

int* f(int x, int y)

Test member function that returns a pointer.

template<class T> T f(T x, T y)

Test member function template.

template<class T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, int> = 0> T f(T x, T y)

Test member function template with SFINAE.

inline int f(int x, int y)

Test inline member function.

template<class T> T f(T x, T y)

Test inline member function template.

template<class T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<T>, int> = 0> T f(T x, T y)

Test inline member function template with SFINAE.