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Doxide's own source code documentation.


Name Description
CppParser C++ source parser.
Doc Documentation of an entity.
DocToken Token.
DocTokenType Documentation comment token types.
DocTokenizer Documentation comment tokenizer.
Driver Driver for running commands
Entity Entity in a C++ source file, e.g. variable, function, class, etc.
EntityType Entity types.
GcovCounter Gcov processor for coverage data.
JSONCounter JSON processor for coverage data following gcov/gcovr schema.
JSONGenerator JSON generator for coverage data following gcov/gcovr schema.
MarkdownGenerator Markdown generator.
SourceWatcher Source Watcher.
YAMLNode Node in a YAML document.
YAMLParser Parser for YAML config files and YAML frontmatter of Markdown files.


Name Description
error Print an error message and exit.
warn Print a warning message.


Name Description
init_docs_javascripts_mathjax_js Contents of initial docs/javascripts/mathjax.js file.
init_docs_javascripts_tablesort_js Contents of initial docs/javascripts/tablesort.js file.
init_docs_overrides_partials_copyright_html Contents of initial docs/overrides/partials/copyright.html file.
init_docs_stylesheets_doxide_css Contents of initial docs/stylesheets/doxide.css file.
init_doxide_yaml Contents of initial doxide.yaml file.
init_mkdocs_yaml Contents of initial mkdocs.yaml file.
query_cpp Query for entities in C++ sources.
query_cpp_exclude Query for entities to explicitly exclude from line counts in C++ sources.
query_cpp_include Query for entities to explicitly include in line counts in C++ sources.
regex_flags Regular expression configuration.
regexes Documentation comment token patterns.


Name Description
gulp Read in a whole file.
tree_sitter_cpp Tree-sitter C++ language handle.
tree_sitter_cuda Tree-sitter CUDA language handle.
write_file Write a whole file.
write_file_prompt Write a whole file, prompting to confirm overwrite if it already exists.

Macro Details


#define error(msg)

Print an error message and exit.


#define warn(msg)

Print a warning message.

Variable Details


static const char* init_docs_javascripts_mathjax_js

Contents of initial docs/javascripts/mathjax.js file.


static const char* init_docs_javascripts_tablesort_js

Contents of initial docs/javascripts/tablesort.js file.

static const char* init_docs_overrides_partials_copyright_html

Contents of initial docs/overrides/partials/copyright.html file.


static const char* init_docs_stylesheets_doxide_css

Contents of initial docs/stylesheets/doxide.css file.


static const char* init_doxide_yaml

Contents of initial doxide.yaml file.


static const char* init_mkdocs_yaml

Contents of initial mkdocs.yaml file.


static const char* query_cpp

Query for entities in C++ sources.


static const char* query_cpp_exclude

Query for entities to explicitly exclude from line counts in C++ sources.


static const char* query_cpp_include

Query for entities to explicitly include in line counts in C++ sources.


static const std::regex_constants::syntax_option_type regex_flags

Regular expression configuration.


static auto regexes

Documentation comment token patterns. Order is important, as a match to an earlier pattern precludes a match to a later.

Function Details


std::string gulp(const std::filesystem::path& src)

Read in a whole file.


const TSLanguage* tree_sitter_cpp()

Tree-sitter C++ language handle.


const TSLanguage* tree_sitter_cuda()

Tree-sitter CUDA language handle.


void write_file(const std::string& contents, const std::filesystem::path& dst)

Write a whole file.


void write_file_prompt(const std::string& contents, const std::filesystem::path& dst)

Write a whole file, prompting to confirm overwrite if it already exists.