#include "GcovCounter.hpp"
#include "YAMLParser.hpp"
void GcovCounter::count(const std::filesystem::path& coverage, Entity& root) {
* A sketch of the format is:
* ```
* -: 0:Source:/path/to/source/file.cpp
* -: 1:#include <iotream>>
* -: 4:
* -: 5:using namespace std;
* -: 6:
* 1: 7:int main(int argc, char** argv) {
* 1: 8: if (true) {
* 1: 9: std::cout << "Hello, world!" << std::endl;
* -: 10: } else {
* #####: 11: std::cout << "Goodbye, world!" << std::endl;
* -: 12: }
* 1: 13: return 0;
* -: 14:}
* ```
* The first column gives counts, `#####` indicating zero count on an
* executable line. The second column gives line numbers, with the count
* starting from one. Counts followed by `*` indicate an aggregate count over
* function template instantiations; the function template instantiations
* then follow, separated by lines of dashes, with disaggregated counts.
* These disaggregated counts do not always seem complete, and so the
* aggregated counts are used instead---the disagregated counts are readily
* recognized and ignored due to the repetition of line numbers seen before.
static const std::regex regex_source("^\\s*-:\\s*0:Source:(.*)$",
static const std::regex regex_covered("^\\s*(\\d+)\\*?:\\s*(\\d+):.*$",
std::ifstream in(coverage);
if (!in.is_open()) {
throw std::runtime_error("could not read file " + coverage.string());
std::filesystem::path path;
bool include = false;
std::list<Entity*> es;
Entity* file = nullptr;
size_t nlines = 0; // number of lines in file
int max_line_number = 0; // highest line number seen so far
std::string line;
std::smatch match;
while (std::getline(in, line)) {
if (std::regex_match(line, match, regex_source)) {
/* start of new file */
path = match[1].str();
if (path.is_absolute()) {
path = std::filesystem::relative(path);
include = root.exists(path);
if (include) {
es = root.get(path);
file = es.back();
nlines = file->line_counts.size();
max_line_number = 0;
} else if (include && std::regex_match(line, match, regex_covered)) {
/* line data */
int line_number = std::stoi(match[2]) - 1;
int count = std::stoi(match[1]);
if (line_number < 0 || size_t(line_number) >= nlines) {
warn("in " << file << ", " << path << ":" << line_number <<
" does not exist; ignoring, are source and coverage" <<
" files in sync?");
} else if (count > 0 && line_number > max_line_number) {
// ^ the check against max_line_number means skipping lines with
// disaggregated counts that have already been accounted for in
// aggregated counts
int& line_count = file->line_counts[line_number];
if (line_count == 0) {
/* line is included in report and first time seeing it covered,
* update aggregate counts for whole path */
for (auto e : es) {
if (line_count >= 0) {
/* line is included in report, update count */
line_count += count;
max_line_number = std::max(max_line_number, line_number);